Sunday, November 4, 2007

It's almost Christmas!

Well...we still have quite a way to go, but it's close enough for me! I've been pretty busy lately, haven't had the time to blog...still, I've wanted to blog about so many things. Now that I actually have the time to sit and blog, I can't really remember what it is I've wanted to blog about...I guess I'm getting old, this is a sign, isn't it?

I know, that's completely not the case, but it does feel sometimes that life is just flying by and it definitely didn't seem that way when I was a lot younger, when I thought I'd never be old enough to stay up past 9pm (when I was sure all the magic began for everyone over age 8). Now it's about a quarter to 9, depending on whether or not you've changed your clock an hour back...and there appears to be no sign of magic brewing anywhere around here, but I think it's because I'm just getting used to the blissful feeling that comes with being blessed with way too many things to count. Lately it seems it doesn't matter if it's after 9 or not, life is still pretty wonderful, thank God for that.

That wasn't the case this time last year, when I was having a lot of issues with my gut; we weren't sure what was wrong, until the doctor finally figured out it was my gallbladder. As I reflect back on all of this past year's tough times, I can't help but have even more hope for things to come.

Ahh...I feel a blog entry coming on now:
Today, Jose and I took a walk around a really nice neighborhood here in Austin. There was a peaceful breeze, along with a ton of wonderfully autumn-colored leaves scattered on people's front yards, and it was quiet and calm. I didn't feel any physical pain, I could walk down the street without any worry that I might be in any kind of danger, and I knew that when we were done with our walk, I'd be able to go home. Home. That word has gained a new kind of meaning for me ever since Jose and I moved into our new apartment this past summer. It's literally a safe haven, something I've always wanted, and it's not just the cute vintage furniture and decorations that make it feel that way. This new home of mine is a place I've come to associate with the kind of peace I thought could only be experienced internally, in the humanly uninhabited places of our souls where only God resides when we've allowed ourselves to accept his love. But you know, literally speaking, this isn't even a home we're living's an apartment, and here's where the analogy comes in: This is just one of the first big steps in life--moving into the first apartment--and yet it already feels like a home to me. I know this is a blessing because I think that not very many people at this age feel as if their lives are full; it's like they're waiting for something, but they don't know what they're waiting for, or what to do with themselves while they're waiting. There's usually so much uncertainty that usually leads to insecurity and overall unhappiness.

These days, for me, there's always something to come home to. Even if there isn't anything made for dinner yet, or the air conditioner is broken, among other things...I can know that at least I'm not emotionally starving and that I'm still in one piece, not broken at all, thanks to the one thing I can be certain of--the certainty of being loved. I hope everyone can go home for Christmas.