Monday, December 4, 2006


Happiness me, at least...

I know happiness is a fleeting feeling, and contentment/joy are more lasting, but when I think of happiness, these few things come to mind:

  1. Getting a real hug from someone I love. Now, what is a real hug? Well, even though I only see her a few times out of the year, whenever I see my grandma, I always get the kind of hug from her that leaves me feeling like a teddy bear in a little girl's arms. You know, think of the stereotypical image of a kiddo hugging her bear; that's what it's like. I love her, I love her hugs.

  2. Seeing the face of the love of my life is a wonderful thing. Every time! I treasure it more than I would the diamond engagement ring he can't afford to buy me because we're both poor college students and he's on his way to law school. Yes, every single time, seeing his face is like sipping a hot cup of cider when the weather and the world are colder than anticipated.

  3. Getting a letter from my little brother. We are 12 years apart. I don't care if stick figures aren't appreciated as art, they're my little priceless possessions, but only because he makes them for me.

  4. Volunteering as a HOST mentor. I don't do it anymore, but when I did it, I realized why it is that teachers don't get paid much. (Teachers acquire intangible riches in the form of memorable experiences.) Now I'm working on being an elementary school teacher. It's a blessing, really. When you can teach a kiddo to appreciate even the little things, like how unique the smell of each book is, then you realize that YOU really DO have the ability to change the negative outlook on life that so many adults have. It's true, children are easily influenced by those around them. So, if they learn how to discover beauty in their youth, it will be easier for them to identify and foster its existence in the world much later.

  5. Faithful friends. I love getting letters in the mail, or in my inbox, from friends who I haven't seen in years but who've still managed to keep in touch. Because I moved around so much when I was younger, I learned pretty quick what I wanted in a friend. So each time I found someone who was worth befriending, because of their sincerity, uniqueness, and honest desire to live a life of love, I'd consider it a small miracle; it'd make me happy. To this day, I still feel the same way. In fact, it seems I appreciate my friends more now than ever, probably because it's hard to keep in touch with people because I'm moving on, i.e., graduating from college.

  6. Music and prayer. They're instantaneous mood-boosters for me. The music should be loud, and the prayer should be completely candid, of course.

  7. Having a meaningful conversation with someone. A talk that consists of something more than the superficial discussion over how nice it is that it finally feels like Christmas time in Texas, or how much either of us loves Gilmore Girls (sorry, dedicated fan since the first season). I ESPECIALLY despise gossip! My goodness, that should NEVER be considered meaningful to anyone, but it's sad that so many seem to think so.

  8. Beautiful things. Is that vague, or what? So many "things" fit under that category, but "these are a few of my favorite 'things' :)": Poetry, good books that make me love words more than before (and I LOVE words [I'm an English major, so it's a given]). What else? The aforementioned, music and prayer. Oh yeah, GOOD FOOD. I love to cook. Cooking is a beautiful thing, it's my favorite art form; my favorite kind of science. I love experimenting in the kitchen.
I could add more, but I'll end this on the number 8. Why? Because when people make top 10 lists, usually the last two ideas on the list aren't as good as the other 8. Ever noticed? As if they're only adding the other two out of obligation, or a societal expectation (possibly?). Eh, maybe it's not always the top 8, maybe for some it's 7 or 6. Why stick with top 10, though? I don't want to. The fact that I have the freedom and ability to make decisions like that makes me happy too. Get it?

I'm lovin' the shirt,
but the boy in the shirt is better!

This is my fabulous gunea pig, Mochi.
He makes me happy as well.
I had to give him credit!

1 comment:

fizahbelle said...

hye...good meaning of happy...